
Professional dedicated and focused with solid knowledge in the development of games.

Several years of professional experience with Flash Platform: Actionscript 3, Adobe Air Mobile, Starling, Robotlegs 1.5 / 2, As3Signal, Ash/Ember, SmartFoxServer, Box2d, Dragon Bones, Papervision3d, Away3d, FlexUnit.

Always moving forward, following the trends: Haxe Toolkit, OpenFl, HaxePixi, Haxe-Robotlges, PhaserJs, PixiJS, RobotlegsJs.

Some others relevant knowledge: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJs, Ionic, Angular, Webpack, SQL, MongoDB, Object-oriented programming (OO), Design Patterns, MVC, UML, Git, Yarn, Scrum, Kanban, UnitTest, (xUnit: FlexUnit, nUnit).

Currently, I am studying to improve my knowledge with Unity3d and Javascript/TypeScript.

English as a second language, and currently learning German by myself with Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Busuu, and Deutsche Welle.



ActionScript 3 -

Adobe Air -

Starling -

Feathers -

Robotlegs -

Robotlegs-Haxe -

Robotlegs-Js -

Pixi.Js -

C# -

Unity3D -

C++ -

Cocos2D-x -

Phaser -

TypeScrupt -

JavaScript -

Haxe -

OpenFl -

Git -


Lua -

Defold -

Java -

Python -

AngularJS -

NodeJs -

Ionic -

Certificates: Tools

Git Real

Code School

Git Real 2

Code School